The Detective Department of the Siliguri metropolitan Police was established on 13th September, 2012 as a specialized branch for investigation of criminal cases with a view to investigate heinous crimes, cases of public importance committed within the jurisdiction of Siliguri Metropolitan Police (Pradhan nagar PS, Siliguri PS, Bhaktinagar PS, Bagdogra PS, Matigara PS). Detective Department deals with various aspects of crimes like murder, dacoity, kidnapping, robbery, snatching and motor vehicles theft cases. This department was came into existence as per order of the then Commissioner of Police, vide, Org No. 44/C/SPC dated 13.09.2012. It was ordered that the Detective Department of SMP will primarily look after investigation of cases relating to property crime including Theft, Robbery, Dacoity, and cases of Homicide. Investigation of any case can be taken up by Detective Department by written approval of the Commissioner of Police. DD was also directed to initiate proceedings U/S 110 of Cr. PC. Initially this department was started with one Asstt. Commissioner of Police, one Inspector of Polce, two Sub-Inspectors, four Asstt. Sub-Inspectors, and six constables. Now, Detective Department of SMP is headed by one Addl Deputy Commissioner of Police, One Asstt. Commissiner of Police, two Inspectors of Police, three Sub-Inspectors, six Asstt. Sub-Inspectors, and fifteen Constables including seven Lady Constables, under direct supervision of the Commissioner of Police. The primary duty of the Detective Department is to control the incidence of crime in the city and its detection. The Detective Department also keeps records related to crime and criminals, specially related to crimes against property. Considering the serious social attention and crises, sub groups on the following subjects are also kept under supervision of the Detective Department; 1) Trafficking of women and child; 2) Missing of minor persons; 3) Special juvenile Justice cases; These sub groups are headed by Inspector of Police, with a set of force of different ranks, under control of the Asstt. Commissioner of Police, for keeping records, monitor of cases and redressal of grievances. The Detective Department of the SMP is now endeavoring to form a specially equipped, state-of-the-art work station for investigation of Cyber Crime, as in city like Siliguri, crime through internet has started making its dent in the society. Now, the Cyber cell of the DD is working under one Inspector of Police, and one Asstt. Sub-Inspector, who are imparted with primary training for investigation of Cyber crimes. With their limited resource detective department has successfully detected few cases of cyber crime. Now, the D.D,SMP also has a Special Investigation Team(SIT) to deal with the cases of Chit-funds and huge monitory scams. Meanwhile, due to seditious activities of KLO activists prevailed in North Bengal areas, a Special Operational Group(SOG) was formed under Detective Department headed by an Inspector of Police which was closely monitored by the senior officers. The success of SOG team in nabbing down the subversive activities of KLO in North Bengal Zone is unprecedented. Particularly, the breakthrough of Bajrapara Jalpaiguri bomb blast incident is a splendid job done by the team of SOG and its efforts are on. To fulfill the objective of formation of specialized unit like Detective Department, SMP to cope up with the modern Crime and technically updated criminals, the intellectual and gadgetry infrastructure of D.D,SMP is need to be improve. The D.D officers and man should be imparted with modern gadgets for tracking and detecting Cyber Crime, for lifting and processing finger prints, with sufficient vehicles for speedy movement to the crime scene and chasing Criminals. |